Monday, October 15, 2007

Sunni's vs Shiite's

The Sunni and Shiite dispute started over who should have become the leader of the Muslim world after Mohammed died over 1,400 years ago. However, the dispute is still going on today. The Sunni’s thought that the best person to take over as leader was Abu Bakr, a friend of Mohammad. However, the Shiite’s thought that the best option for a new leader was Ali, Mohammed’s son-in-law and cousin. Today the Shiite’s are mostly in India, Pakistan, and the Persian Golf countries. Not only are the Sunni’s and the Shiite’s different in who they think should have become leader but they also differ in the way they pray as well as their beliefs on marriage. During prayer the Sunni’s believe that ones arms should be crossed while the Shiite’s believe that they should be straight. Shiite’s also allow temporary marriage while Sunni’s would never allow that.

Shiite-Sunni strife has deep roots, but so does coexistance
By Jefferey Gettleman

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