Monday, October 15, 2007

The Founder of Islam

The founder and prophet of Islam is Muhammad. The Quran provides information on the life of Muhammad, however, it does not provide biographical information. Muhammad is said to be born at the Mecca in 570. As a child Muhammad was taken to the desert to be raised by a nurse. When he returned he was said to be possessed by the devil. As he got older he began to inquire about the one true religion and in order to find it he decided to travel to the caves around Mecca. This is where he was thought to have written the Quran. His wife was the one that convinced him that he was a true prophet and this led him to spread the word about the new religion. When Muhammad started to speak out about the Meccans they grew very upset and so Muhammad decided to incorporate some of their idols into the evolving religion of Islam.

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Courtney said...
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