Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Five Pillars

There are not a lot of Islamic practices but are very strong in importance. They are entitled The 5 Pillars of Islam. These five practices are essential to the Muslim faith.
The Five Pillars-
Confession of faith – Fundamental Belief: There is no god but God and Muhammad is the prophet of God
Ritual Prayer
Alms tax
Fasting during Ramadan
Pilgrimage to the Mecca




KoreanChef5 said...

Hey guys, great job! i think it's pretty awesome to be able to learn about a religion that is so controversial in this day and age. Islam is much more peaceful religion then i had been led to believe by the news reports and such. So thanks for informing the misinformed population!

a_random_guy said...

You only touch very breifly on each of the five pillars. In fact, you merely scratch the surface by naming them. Is it possible to go a little deeper, and perhaps explain the significance behind each, and the origin of the pillars themselves?

Matt E- Hr. 2 said...

I dont really understand how and why the pillars are important to the Islamic faith